
Wedding reminders for guests: 5 details everyone must have

So your big day is just around the corner, and preparations are in a full swing. But what about the wedding reminders for the guests? Have they been rolled out yet? 

If not yet, then don’t worry, as this task won’t take much time. When planning what details should be included in your wedding reminders, just remember that your guests don't need to know all the details of your nuptials. They only need the essentials as early as possible, such as the wedding date. You can have these reminders sent along with the invitations or incorporate them on the wedding website. 

Here are the details that the guests need to know in advance:

Dress Code - Share some guidance with your guests

Share with your guests the details about the dress code so they arrive in proper attire. You should keep the clues of the wedding theme or the location simple and very clear so there is no confusion. For example, if you are planning to host your wedding during fall, you can mention - “The ceremony will be taking place outside in the garden, so make sure to dress accordingly.”
Keep your message simple and concise.

Inform the guests regarding what shoes to wear

If your wedding is themed-based and the guests, especially the ladies, might have to walk through grass, sand or a rocky path, then ensure to mention this fact in advance. Walking such a route in stilettoes can be dangerous and uncomfortable. If you don’t wish to reveal details on the card, then you can share some brief information on the website. Your message can be something like, “We will celebrate the ceremony in the evening in the garden, so ladies are requested to opt for covered shoes, or wedges to be comfortable”. If you are marrying in a church or a ballroom, then you can ignore this.

Never forget the wedding hashtag

There are lots of wedding ideas to explore when planning for your big day. From creative spreads to elaborated photo booths, modern-day ceremonies are full of fun. One of the latest and popular trends includes the hashtag. This is where couples use their unique hashtag on social media to cover all the important events like the bridal shower, wedding, and reception. If you have planned a wedding hashtag, let your guests know before the big day, as they are likely going to be posting some of the pictures on their Instagram or Facebook. A personalized hashtag is a quick way to collect all the wonderful memories made during the wedding. This way the hashtag can be used before and during the events, meaning you can gather more precious pictures as your photographer cannot be present everywhere throughout the wedding. 

Provide information to guests about transportation

When preparing wedding reminders for the guests, be very clear in providing directions, parking information, and location details. Let them know about the transportation details and the arrangements you have made for them in advance. This way there will be no hassle or stress and they don’t have to make any plans. If they are staying with you, this can be ignored. But if they are staying in a hotel you can let them know if you are providing the shuttles or the details if they can park at the hotel and where this parking is located. Incorporate this information as part of the wedding reminders - have this sent across with the invites and include an update on the website.

Information on other wedding events

Have you planned some other events for your wedding? Such as brunch or drinks the night before your special day? If this is your plan, let your guests know so that they can arrange their travel itinerary accordingly. Additional activities and events are fun moments that can be celebrated with loved ones. Keeping them informed about these specific wedding details will allow them to request time off work and make any specific personal arrangements necessary.
We hope the information we have shared regarding the details to be included on the wedding reminders for guests will be helpful. It is important not just for you but for your guests too to be prepared for the big occasion. In essence, planning a wedding can feel overwhelming. We would therefore always recommend you to prepare a wedding planning guide that can help, prepare and manage the tasks effectively. Don't get too stressed with preparations and focus on what truly matters: celebrating and getting married to the love of your life with blessings from your friends and family. 

2022-01-14 06:33